Return Policy
You can return your order for any reason within 30 days of the delivery date. Start your online return by clicking the button below and following the on-screen prompts. You'll receive a prepaid and pre-addressed return label that can be used to send your product back to us.
To start your return email us at and provide your order number. we'll take it from there!
If your order was delivered more than 30 days ago, you must contact us before starting your online return.
After your return is received, allow four business days for us to process your return and submit a refund to your original form of payment.
RETURN POLICY orders can be returned online for any reason within 30 days of the delivery date. Follow the process above. After 30 days, you can still return your order for a full refund as long as products are unworn, unwashed or have workmanship/material flaws. Some restrictions apply.
Product with a workmanship or material flaw can be returned if the product was manufactured less than two years ago. Some Rally Active products have specific written guarantees and warranties. Please read the label, hang tag or warranty card for specific guidelines and return information. purchases must be returned online.
Purchases made at authorized Rally Active retailer may be returned online.